Manhattan College  •  General Psychology  •  PSPY 280 – 01  

Fall  2018  •   Faith Florer, Ph.D.



Meeting Days/Times/Location:   TBD, 205 Hayden

Office Hours: Before Class, or by arrangement., Adjunct Office, 427 Memorial Hall 

Text: 914-527-3203



Course Description

This course will provide an explanation and critical examination of selected concepts in the broad field of psychology. Students will examine the logic and methods of social science research and engage in analysis of contemporary social issues from the perspective of the discipline of psychology. They will learn: the basics of the scientific method and research methodology; develop an awareness of, learning, memory, cultural and social diversity; gain an understanding of major personality theories and several psychological disorders, and applications of psychological findings; they will gain an understanding of human development through the lifespan, neuroscience, cognition; develop critical thinking skills as they apply social science issues and research; and they will learn about personality, psychological disorders, social behavior, ethics, and variability in human functioning.



Suggested: Gazzaniga, M., Heatherton, T. and Halpern, D. (2015). Psychological Science, fifth edition. WW Norton.

Required:  Psychology, Openstax (College). The text is available free online:  ,  where it is also available as a downloadable PDF, ePub or iBook The text is also available as hard copy: ISBN-10: 1938168356 or ISBN-13: 978-1938168352

Other required readings will be distributed in class or posted on Moodle.


Student Evaluation/Course Requirements

Readings assigned for that week will be the basis for class discussion. Thus, it is expected that weekly assigned readings will be completed prior to class. Due to time constraints, all assigned readings cannot be discussed in class. Students with questions regarding assigned material not discussed in class should contact the instructor. Individuals who are experiencing difficulty mastering concepts in the course should respond to these difficulties in a timely fashion. Timely discussion of such concerns will allow the instructor to be readily available for assistance outside the classroom and will result in the most effective one-on-one assistance.


Your syllabus is a general guide for this class. There may be times when we digress from the syllabus to discuss other relevant topics. Any delays or changes will be discussed in class.


Grades for this class will be based on the following: Participation and Presentation:  10%; Four chapter multiple choice exams 10% each = 40%; Four written Homework Assignments, 10% each =  40%


Grading Breakdown:

A=       93-100

A-=      90-92.9

B+=      87-89.9

B=        83-86.9

B-=      80-82.9

C+=     77-79.9

C=       73-76.9

C-=      70-72.9

D=       65-69.9

F=        Below 65


Participation: Participation points will be assigned to each student based on class attendance and participation.


Multiple Choice Exams:  There will be four exams during the semester. They will consist of multiple-choice questions derived from lecture material and assigned readings. Please note: Readings not discussed during class may be covered on these exams; not all lecture material is in your assigned textbooks. The exams will be online.


Homework:  There will be four homework assignments during the semester that will consist of written essay questions derived from lecture material and assigned readings. Please note: Readings not discussed during class may be covered on this homework.


Missing Class: Although missing class can be an occasional necessity, it can negatively affect your final course grade. If you are absent for exams, you must notify the instructor immediately and make arrangements to make up the exam within two (2) calendar days.


Students with Disabilities: If a student has a documented disability (or disabilities) that requires special accommodation(s), the student needs to provide acceptable documentation of that disability (or disabilities) to the Specialized Resource Center in Miguel Hall, Room 300. The Specialized Resource Center will then contact the faculty in charge of the course with appropriate instructions to accommodate the student’s needs.


Academic Integrity Expectations: Manhattan College policy on Academic Integrity states: “The basis of all learning is trust. Thus, academic integrity means that every member of the academic community accepts the responsibility to be open, honest, truthful, ethical, and accountable for all intellectual efforts, for all access to and presentation of data, facts, information, and opinions, and for all access to and use of data or other files (printed, oral, or digital) related in any way to students, faculty, staff, or administration. Academic integrity ensures the application of the highest academic standards and principles of conduct, honesty, and truth.” The Manhattan College policy on Academic Integrity will be applied to all violations of academic integrity in this course.


Class Schedule

2/18 – Introduction •  Scientific Method

2/25 -- Mental Health

3/25 --  Test 1

3/25 -- Brain and Nervous System

4/8 -- Sensation and Perception • Test 2

4/22 – Learning and Memory

4/15 – Cognition * Test 3

4/22 -- Development

5/5 – Social / Personality

5/19 – Stress/Treatment *  Test 4        

5/27 – Individual Meetings

Have a Great Break